  • Jul 2024 - Sep 2024
    Frontend Developer Intern

    Built a new version of an internal application from the ground up using Angular.

    • Optimized performance and user experience.
    • Implemented Optimistic UI Updates to enhance responsiveness, reducing unnecessary backend calls.
    • Handled state using NGXS and utilized search params for persistence allowing URL sharing.
  • Apr 2024 - Jun 2024
    Full Stack

    Built a Web app with admin and guest views for a client to manage graduates from their educational program.

    • Handled file uploads using Cloudflare R2 storage through Workers.
    • Handled CRUD operations to a PostgreSQL database through a Node.js REST API.
    • Implemented a custom authentication system with JWT.
    • Built a React TSX frontend (SWR for server state, Zustand for client state) (handled downloading data as PDF or CSV files).
    • Developed a script for database seeding by extracting and importing data from xlsx files.
    • Containerized the app with Docker.
  • Mar 2024 - Present
    Marin Solutions - Freelancing Contract

    Converting Figma files to pixel perfect functioning websites.

    • Using vanilla JS and TailwindCSS.
  • Aug 2023 - Sep 2023
    Backend Developer Intern

    I took part in building and designing an alert system.

    • Filtered external API endpoints.
    • Stored data in a SQL database.
    • Handled notifications through email and Microsoft Teams.
  • Jul 2023 - Aug 2023
    Full Stack

    Built a Full-Stack orders management system for a local business meeting all client requirements.

    • Built a REST API using Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB.
    • Adapted Next.js React Server Components.